Abstracts should be submitted via online abstract submission system through symposium website no later than February 25, 2022. Submitted abstracts can be modified on the website during the abstract submission period.
Important due dates
- Deadline for Abstract Submission & Modification: February 25, 2022
- Notification of Abstract Acceptance: by March 7, 2022
Please use online abstract submission system through symposium website http://www.ic-kpba.org according to the submission formats. It is authors' responsibility to review the abstracts and correct them. Submitters are responsible for every typing error on the abstract.
Submission Process
Step 1.
-Fill out Abstract Title
-Choose Presentation Type &
Submission Type
-Choose Topic Category
Step 2.
Fill out Author’s Information
Step 3.
Fill out Abstract body
Step 4.
Preview & Confirmation
Please follow these guidelines carefully.
- All abstracts must be submitted electronically using the link provided on the IC-KPBA 2022 website only. Abstracts submitted via e-mail, fax or regular mail will neither be accepted nor acknowledged.
- All abstracts must be written in clear English, and submitted either as oral or poster presentation.
- It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.
- Abstract titles should be brief and reflecting the content of the abstract.
- All articles should contain a brief, clear statement of the background (aims, methods, results and conclusions) of your work.
- Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, the submission system will not accept anything beyond that.
- Please make sure to fill in the correct contact phone number, mobile phone number (only for Korean) and E-mail address of the presenters.
- Tables and images are permitted up to two files.
- Presenting and corresponding author will receive a confirmation e-mail that your abstract(s) has been successfully submitted. If there is no confirmation letter after abstract submission, please contact the secretariat, ic-kpba2022@conventionpm.com
- The reviewers reserve the right to reallocate the submitted abstracts to other sessions.
- Abstract submission does not constitute registration for the conference and presenters are required to register for the conference separately.
*Abstracts submitted to other conferences that have not yet been published can also be submitted.
Notification of Acceptance
* All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Board according to standard review procedures.
* Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to presenting, corresponding and abstract submitting author by March 7, 2022.
Withdrawal of Abstracts
* If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by the pre-registration date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
* If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please notify the Secretariat, ic-kpba2022@conventionpm.com in writing as soon as possible.