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IC-KPBA 2020 : International Conference of the Korean Pancreatobiliary Association

D 1042 Today : 2025.02.28

IC-KPBA 2022 : International Conference of the Korean Pancreatobiliary Association 2022 / April 22 (Fri) ~ April 23 (Sat), 2022 / Hotel Lotte Seoul, Korea

Guideline for Presentation

Home  >  Scientific Program  >  Guideline for Presentation

IC-KPBA 2022 will be streamed live on its virtual platform.
Here are a few tips to make sure your presentation is successful. Please read carefully and contact us if you have any questions.

Presentation Method & Type

Category Presentation Q&A
Overseas Speaker Invited Recording or Real-time lecture Online real-time
Oral presentation Recording or Real-time lecture Online real-time
Korean Speaker Invited Onsite Onsite
Oral presentation Onsite Onsite

Lecture Time

Session Allocated Time
Special Lecture 30 minutes (25minutes presentation+5 minutes Q&A)
Symposium 20 minutes (17minutes presentation+3 minutes Q&A)
Luncheon Symposium
Satellite Symposium
20 minutes (17minutes presentation+3 minutes Q&A)
Oral Presentation 15 minutes (12minutes presentation+3minutes Q&A)

VOD (Pre-recorded presentation) Information

Presentation File Please prepare a presentation file (PPT 16:9 size)
Presentation Time Please keep the allotted presentation time
Deadline of Upload March 31, 2022

Guidelines for Recording your Presentation (not mandatory)

Introduction At the start of your presentation, please introduce yourself, including your name, institution, and the title of your presentation.
Finish At the end of your presentation, please say, "I'm done with my presentation.” And, on the last slide, please write “Thank you.”
Keyboard Please use the keyboard instead of the mouse to flip the presentation slides to prevent mouse sounds from being recorded.
Disk Space Please make sure there is enough disk space on your local drive to record and save your screen recording.

How to submit your file

- Please send the file via e-mail directly or upload it to the drive you use.

How to Record the File Using ZOOM

1. Video Recording _ Zoom
Web Camera If you have a web camera, please select “video recording_zoom” as it will be better for mixing images and audio. (Presenter & Presentation file)
Keyboard Please use the keyboard instead of the mouse to flip the presentation slides to prevent mouse sounds from being recorded.
  • Install the software or application on your computer from The application has installed, click Sign In (for existing account users) or Sign up free to create an account.
    > From the Zoom home screen, click Meetings in the top navigation menu.
    > In your Personal Meeting window, click Start.
  • Zoom ( > Login (free) > Meetings > Personal Meeting Room > Start Meeting and Click the “Start”.
2. After Starting Zoom, Click on Share Screen
3. Test your Sound & Microphone
4. Speaker size:
Please increase the size from minimum to maximum.
5. Record: More > Record on this Computer

* Before recording your presentation, please press the F5 button for the maximum screen.

2) Stop the recording > End > End Meeting for All
3) Convert your recording. 4) Example)
When you complete your video recording, you will see the form below. Please send us the MP4 version.

How to Record the File Using ‘MS PowerPoint’ (Versions 2013, 2016 and 2019)

1. Open the slide you want to put the screen recording on.
* A mouse click can also be recorded, so please use the keyboard to advance the presentation slides.
2. On the Insert tab, click Screen Recording.
3. On the Control Dock, click Select Area (Windows logo key+Shift+A).
Tip: PowerPoint automatically records the audio and the mouse pointer, so by default those options are selected on the control dock.
4. Click Record (Windows logo key+Shift+R).

* Before recording your presentation, please press the F5 button for the maximum screen.

5. To control your recording:
  • Click Pause to temporarily stop the recording (Windows logo key+Shift+R).
  • Click Record to resume recording (Windows logo key+Shift+R).
  • Click Stop to end your recording (Windows logo key+Shift+Q) (shown below).
6. How to make the video

Right-click the picture on the slide that represents the recording, and select Save Media as.
In the Save Media As dialog box, specify a file name and folder location, then click Save.

  • IC-KPBA 2022 대회는 국내 초청강의 및 구두발표는 대회장소에서 강의를 하시게 되므로 아래 내용을 참조해서 준비해주시고 반드시 강의시간을 엄수해주시기 바랍니다.

IC-KPBA 2022 대회개요

  • 일자: 2022년 4월 22일 (금) – 23일 (토)
  • 장소: 롯데호텔서울 (소공동) 2층 크리스탈 볼룸 / 에메랄드룸 (Free Paper)
* 모든 발표자는 Preview Room에서 파일 확인 및 업로드 후 세션 15분전까지는 강의실에 입장하셔서 대기해주시기 바랍니다.

[강의 및 Q&A 방법]

Category Presentation Q&A
해외 연자 초청강의 녹음된 동영상 or 실시간 강의 실시간 온라인
구두강의 녹음된 동영상 or 실시간 강의 실시간 온라인
국내 연자 초청강의 현장강의 현장참석
구두강의 현장강의 현장참석


강의종류 발표시간
Symposium 20분 (17분 강의+3분 Q&A)
Luncheon Symposium
Satellite Symposium
회사별 20분 (17분 강의+3분 Q&A)
Plenary & Free Paper Session 15분 (12분 강의+3분 Q&A)


  • 모든 세션은 영어로 진행됩니다.


  • Window OS - PowerPoint version 2010 상위 버전
  • 포디엄에 모니터와 무선마우스가 있으며 발표자가 직접 슬라이드를 작동하게 됩니다.
  • 대회가 온라인으로 송출되기 때문에 연결문제 방지를 위해 반드시 설치된 기자재를 사용해야 합니다. (본인 laptop 사용 금지)


  • Microsoft Office PowerPoint (PPT)로 저장된 발표파일 USB를 준비해주시기 바랍니다.
  • 화면 사이즈: 16:9
  • 파일 작성 시 서체는 세션 룸 PC에 구비되어 있는 표준 Times New Roman, Arial or Tahoma 등을 사용합니다. (다른 서체의 경우 정확하게 구현되지 않을 수 있습니다.)
  • 동영상 파일은 발표파일과 같은 폴더에 저장해주시기 바랍니다
  • 비디오 클립 (특정 애니메이션 gif 파일 제외)은 PowerPoint 프레젠테이션에 포함되지 않으니 이 경우 별도의 비디오 파일을 프레젠테이션 파일과 함께 제출해야 합니다.
  • 발표 시 슬라이드 노트를 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Preview Room]

  • 장소: 롯데호텔서울 2층 크리스탈볼룸 앞
  • 운영시간: 08:00-17:00, April 22-23, 2022
  • 모든 발표자료는 Preview Room에 설치된 PC를 통해 각 세션 룸으로 전달되므로 적어도 1시간 30분전에 Preview Room에서 파일을 점검한 후 설치된 PC에 업로드 해주시기 바랍니다.
    (Apple Macintosh / Apple Keynote 사용자는 반드시 Mini Display Port-VGA Adapter를 지참하고 Preview room을 방문해주시기 바랍니다.)

All the posters will be presented as E-posters, poster submitters do not need to bring a printed copy of their posters. Please make your E-poster file to meet the following criteria and upload the file on website ‘My Page’.

Here are a few tips to make sure your experience is successful. Please read carefully and contact us if you have any questions.

File Format PPT or PDF
Presentation & Q&A No Presentation, Q&A

1. How to prepare your E-Poster

Presentation There is no presentation time for the E-Posters. It will be displayed only on the virtual platform and DID monitor on site.
Comment Please make sure to meet the submission deadline. Files submitted after the deadline may not be uploaded properly on the virtual platform and DID on site, and be cancelled.
Poster display Your E-poster will be displayed on the virtual platform and DID monitor during the conference and for a specified period after the conference.
File Name IC-KPBA 2022_001_Gildong Hong
(Abstract No._Presenter Name)

2. Template

Language English
Format MS-PowerPoint (MS Office 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019)
E-Poster file: PPT or PDF
Screen Ratio Portrait (Vertical Orientation)
File Size The maximum file size is 77 cm (width) x 138 cm (high)
1 page / 2 MB
Font Default font provided by MS Office
(such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman)

3. How to submit your file

Submission Please submit your file on the IC-KPBA 2022 website.
Login → My Page → Abstract Submission → File Upload
Deadline for Submission March 31, 2022
Please note: The March 31 deadline is final to review the file. After March 31, 2022, the file will not be uploaded in the website and excluded from the list of award winners.

For inquiries: IC-KPBA 2022 Secretariat
If you have any difficulties with submitting your file, please contact the IC-KPBA 2022 Secretariat.

E-Poster Template

상단으로 이동

Hosted by
Korean Pancreatobiliary Association
Endosred by
WEO world Endosopy Organization
Korean Pancreatobiliary Association
Business license no.: 312-82-71651
President: Hong Sik Lee
B-Room 723 (Le Meilleur Jongno Town) 19, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
TEL : 02-2285-5145 / FAX : 02-2285-5146 / E-mail :
Secretariat: Convention PM
Tel: +82-31-908-4381, +82-31-906-4388 (Registration)
E-mail :